英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1227 - 怎样像RT一样受欢迎?(在线收听

Topic 1-Parents of rural students accompany them to study
According to an article written by a middle school teacher in Anhui Province, many parents of rural students accompany their children while they are studying outside their hometown. The parent gives up his or her job and travels to a different city, just to focus on taking care of the child who’s already a teenager.
Topic 2-Traffic problems
The National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee has initiated a national traffic safety inspection in 31 provinces from August to October. Among the many findings is traffic violations lead to ninety percent of accidents that result in death or injuries.
Topic 3-How to be popular
Some people are simply a joy to be around. The conversation flows effortlessly. You laugh. You feel genuinely interested. You find yourself looking forward to seeing them, and you leave them feeling their company was a valuable use of your time.
There must be a connection between you two. But can this connection be forged?  What’s the recipe of being popular?          