英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1229 - 2016热词盘点!(在线收听

Topic 1-Over half of respondents say they’re satisfied with the ticket buying environment
China's next Spring Festival doesn't start until January next year, but people are already rushing to buy tickets home. According to CCTV, over 2.97 billion journeys are expected to be made over a 40-day period in 2017. And more than 350 million rail journeys are expected starting January 13th.
What’s interesting is that even with this fierce competition of getting a ticket, in a recent survey, over half of respondents are saying they are satisfied with the current ticket booking system.
Topic 2-Buzzwords in 2016
The year of 2016 is coming to an end. Looking back at stories and social media musings throughout the year, it becomes clear that certain trends and ideas drove the narrative more than others.
Here we round up the Chinese buzzwords of the year.
Topic 3-Are Kids Just Making a Fuss over Nothing?
Kids complain and argue with teachers, classmates, and parents over things that mean the world to them. Are children just making a fuss over nothing, or they do have a point?          