美国有线新闻 CNN 美国路易斯安那州遭遇严重洪灾 至少3人死亡(在线收听

美国路易斯安那州遭遇严重洪灾 至少3人死亡 

play pause stop mute unmute max volume 00:0001:50repeat repeat off Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. Our coverage today begins with severe flooding in part of the southern U.S. Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana. It's in the southeastern part of the state and the area around Baton Rouge has been soaked.

The community of Livingston, for instance, has gotten more than 24 inches, more than two feet of rain and that since last Wednesday alone. The National Weather Service says that a chance of any area getting this much flooding in a given year is just 1 percent.

At least three people have died because of this. Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards deployed the National Guard and says more than 7,000 rescues have been made so far.

Here, you see a man saving a woman and her dog after trying to open the convertible top of her sinking car. More rain is expected. A flash flood emergency has been declared in some areas.

Now, a quick explanation on the difference between a flood and a flash flood.

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN METEOROLOGIST: This is the radar estimated total. You can see the color coordinated legend at the top of your screen. That shading of white indicating 500 or more millimeters of rain. And this has significant impacts on the rivers and streams across Louisiana. They all flow into the Gulf of Mexico, of course.

This is interesting. This is a flood gauge from the Comite River. And I want you to see that rapid rise in the river. It actually rose 25 feet in 12 hours and that my friend is called flash flooding. That line right there that you see in top portion of this graph, that is the record flood stage. It's actually was higher than that by about four feet.

But take a look at this. This is a difference, a flood is a rise of a river or stream out of its natural banks. But a flash flood is the rapid rise of a river or stream and people just cannot handle a rapid rise in the water, including this 911 call center. They had to be evacuated.
