英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0104 - 这些“科学新论”你信了吗?(在线收听

Topic 1-Seasonal labor shortage during Spring Festival
The Spring Festival is right around the corner, for so many Chinese people it's the time to head home for a yearly family reunion.
Yeah, it's that time of the year; a seasonal labor shortage is expected to take place in the service industry. In previous years, employers have lured migrant workers to stay by a fat paycheck. This year, how are employers coping with the incoming hiring deficit?
Topic 2-Alipay launched AR Red envelope- how far will AR take us?
The Spring Festival is a time for family reunion, as we've talked about, also it's a time for red envelopes giving and grabbing. This year, Alipay has launched a program of "AR Red Envelopes."
What's Augmented Reality? Can it change the game of red envelope grabbing from online to offline?
Topic 3-2016 online rumors
Social media has become such an integral part of our daily lives. It has also offered rich soil for rumormongering. Wechat, China's leading social media platform, has summarized the top 10 rumors that spread like fire in the year of 2016. The numbers are just in, let's refute these rumors. And found out a way to keep us smart and not fall victim to rumors in the new year.                