
   Former states under Soviet unx from Estonia to Mongolia also covered by findings that ‘happiness gap’ between eastern and western Europe persists

  A quarter of a century after the collapse of the Soviet unx life satisfaction inRussia and other ex-Soviet states remains stubbornly low with enthusiasm wavering for democracy and open market economics according to a survey.
  The study found that only 15% of Russians think their households have a better quality of life compared with 30% in 2010 when respondents were last asked and only 9% see their finances as better than four years ago.
  Just over half the respondents from former Soviet states also thought a return to amore authoritarian system would be a plus in some circumstances said the findings from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank said.
  The EBRD created 25 years ago to invest in former communist countries questioned households across ex-Soviet bloc for more than a decade for its “Life in Transition” project polling 51000 households in 34 countries from Estonia to Mongolia.
  25年前创建的用于投资前共产主义国家的欧洲复兴开发银行对前苏联国家的住户进行了超过十年的“生活转型”项目的问卷调查, 被调查者涵盖了从爱沙尼亚到蒙古的34个国家的51000住户。
  They did find the “happiness gap” with western Europe had narrowed thanks to improvements in central Asia the Baltic states and central Europe but also because of less satisfaction in parts of Europe including Germany and Italy.
  The findings resonated with increasing evidence in 2016 – ranging from Britain’s vote to quit the European unx and Donald Trump’s US election win – of dissatifaction with some of the effects of globalisation.