
The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, announced a new project that will assist Vietnam's transition to climate-smart and low-emission development through improved forest protection, enhanced biodiversity conservation, and increased resilience of communities.


USAID's Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia Gloria Steele announced last month the USAID Green Annamites Project during a meeting with leaders of the People's Committee of Quang Nam province. This project, which runs from 2016 until 2020, will invest approximately $24 million in Quang Nam and Thua Thien Hue provinces.

上个月,国际开发署的亚洲地区高级副助理格洛里亚 斯蒂尔在与越南广南省人民委员会(Gloria Steele)的领导人会晤时宣布了美国国际开发署的“绿色安南”项目。该项目将从2016年持续到2020年,对广南省(Quang Nam)和顺化省(Thua Thien Hue)的总投资预计可达2400万美元。

Forests play a critical role in Vietnam by protecting watersheds, preventing soil erosion, mitigating climate change, and providing for resilient communities. They are also home to rare and endemic species only found in these areas. Unfortunately, Vietnam's forests, and the people and species that depend on them, are under increased pressure from unsustainable development.


The USAID Green Annamites Project, working in tandem with provincial authorities, will engage small-holder farmers and their families to improve livelihoods and increase investment in climate-smart agriculture while conserving the natural biodiversity of Quang Nam and Thua Thien Hue provinces.


Climate change is a priority issue that directly threatens achieving Vietnam's sustainable development goals. To accelerate Vietnam's transition to low-emission development, USAID supports Vietnam's response to climate change through adaptation, sustainable landscapes, and clean energy programs.


“Climate change work is an important part of our strategy in Vietnam,” said Ms. Steele. “This project is designed to improve people's incomes by promoting investment in climate smart agriculture while at the same time conserving Vietnam's natural forests and biodiversity. Quang Nam and Thua Thien Hue provinces are demonstrating how sustainable development can contribute to Vietnam's efforts to achieve low emission and resilient economic growth.”

“气候变化方面的工作是我们在越南所实施战略的重要部分,” 斯蒂尔说。“该项目的构想初衷是提高通过一面加大对气候智能型农业的投资,一面保护越南的自然森林资源和生物多样性来提高越南人民的收入。广南省和顺化省极好地证明了可持续发展在助力越南实现低排放和强劲经济增长方面的作用。” 
