
   A CHINESE BILLIONAIRE has bought up 76 Irish thoroughbred horses which were airlifted to the Asian country from Shannon Airport.

  All were purchased for Zhang Yuesheng by Kildare based bloodstock agency BBA Ireland at sales in Goffs last autumn.
  这些马是去年秋天由位于基尔代尔的纯种马代理商BBA Ireland在戈福斯为张月胜购买的。
  The 76 horses were airlifted in a four-month-old Boeing 747 cargo plane from Shannon landing in Beijing late on Thursday night. They are being transported to stables over the weekend.
  这76匹马将由一架才投入运行4个月的波音747货机运送,周四从香农机场飞往北京。它们将在本周末送往马厩。The cargo valued at over EUR2 million was the biggest single movement of Irish horses to China ever more than doubling the previous high.
  It was the biggest success to date for the Irish thoroughbred industry in terms of the Chinese market and the culmination of a number of years work by BBA Ireland supported by Irish Thoroughbred Marketing (ITM).
  这对爱尔兰纯种马行业进入中国市场而言是巨大的成功,并且是由爱尔兰纯种马协会(ITM)所支持的BBA Ireland这几年来的事业顶峰。The airlift it is hoped will lead to further purchases by Chinese horse racing/breeding interests.
  Over 90% of thoroughbred horses in China are imported from Australia and New Zealand but industry experts have claimed that this airlift confirms the growing Chinese interest in the more expensive higher-quality Irish horse.