
L-- Then I will just tell you who it is. Because you're gonna be seeing him around from now on. It's Bart Bass.
S&E-- Bart Bass?
S-- Mom, you cannot date Bart Bass.
L-- You just said a moment ago you didn't care who it was.
S-- That was before I knew who it was.
E-- He only has one facial expression. He scares me.
S-- And he raised Chuck. That scares me.
L-- Oh, Serena, as usual, you're being overly dramatic. I'm not marrying Bart. This is very casual. And regardless, I'm not asking your permission.
L-- 那我来告诉你是谁,因为你从现在开始就可以常常看见他了。是Bart Bass。
S&E-- Bart Bass?
S-- 妈妈,你不能和Bart Bass约会。
L-- 你刚才还说你不在乎他是谁。
S-- 这是在我知道他是谁之前。
E-- 他只有一种面部表情,吓到我了。
S-- 而且他养大了Chuck,这个吓到我了。
L-- 哦,Serena,像平常一样,你反应过大了。我又不是要嫁给他。放松一点儿,而且不管怎么样,我不是在求你的许可。