
F-- It's so true. How does one explain the indescribable pulled? To see an old lover, to feel that jolt of electricity?
H-- So you couldn't last two days in town without contacting him?
R-- I can't believe you'd trust appearances and not me.
F-- 那当然了,遇到这种天大的惊喜谁能解释呢。看到老情人,触电的感觉。
H-- 所以你回到纽约两天就忍不住联系他了是不是?
R-- 真不敢相信你居然相信一面之词而不相信我。
jolt  [dʒoʊlt]
n. 颠簸,摇晃;震惊
v. (使)颠簸,摇晃;使震惊
electricity  [ilek'trisiti]
n. 电;电流;电学