
what's the difference between gossip and scandal? so glad you asked, ues forever. anyone can commit a minor indiscretion and generate a day's worth of buzz, but in order for gossip to birth a true scandal, it requires the right person to be in the wrong place.
gossip  [ˈgɑsəp]
n. 流言,流言蜚语;爱讲闲话的人;闲谈,八卦
v. 传播流言,说长道短,闲聊
scandal  ['skændl]
n. 丑闻,丑事;耻辱,丢脸;流言蜚语
v. 诋毁,诽谤
minor  ['mainə]
adj. 较小的;未成年的
n. 副修科目;未成年人
v. 副修某科
indiscretion  [indis'kreʃən]
n. 欠详虑,不慎重,轻率
buzz  [/bʌz]
v. 使嗡嗡叫;作嗡嗡声;萦绕;东奔西忙;呼叫;低飞
n. 嗡嗡声,嗡嗡的说话声;兴奋