英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0113 - 你如何向父母示爱?(在线收听

Topic 1-Expectation and reality, pay gap among careers
In modern society, one’s occupation not only provides a source of income, but also often defines your social status. That is why people pay great attention on the salary of their own jobs and also that of other people’s jobs.
Recently, a sociology professor has delivered a speech in an academic seminar, saying that Chinese people are fully aware of the vast income gap in society, and we are willing to accept it.
What are the interesting results from the study?
Topic 2-Chinese grownup kids don’t say I love you to parents
Recently, Tencent News has released a report on the relationship between grownup kids and their parents. The result shows the majority of the adults rarely express their love to parents, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love mom and dad.
What stops us from saying what we feel?
Topic 3-8 things that matter less than you think in a relationship
Choosing a romantic partner is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in life. (Or not choosing one ― we see you, single-by-choice people!)
While it’s important to be selective, experts agree that there are some qualities that are less crucial than most people think.                     