
- Jenny, why did you want to meet here?
- Well, I've bee thinking -- What's the one thing that no one in our group has, I mean, not even Blair?
- Compassion?
- No, a boy friend. You know, if I'm gonna make it to queen. I need a king.
- Queen Elizabeth never had a boyfriend.
- But she only had the Spanish to conquer, and I have Blair Waldorf. Let's talk qualifications. He has to be cute, but not fool of himself. He has to be from the right kind of famliy... Ugh, but not disgusting.
- Jenny 为什么选择在这里见面?
- 我在想.. 什么东西是我们这个小团体中谁都没有的,我是说,甚至是Blair。
- 同情心?
- 不,是男朋友。你知道,如果我相当皇后,我需要一个国王。
- 可是伊丽莎白女王从没有过男朋友。
- 但她只需要攻克西班牙人就可以,而我的敌人是Blair Waldorf。我们来谈谈要求。他必须很帅,但不能蠢。他必须是从好家庭里出来的,但不能恶心。