
- Lighten up. You have been down on him since the beginning. Give him a chance and then judge. Maybe he'll surprise you, like I did.
- How are you always so right?
- It's easy when you're always wrong.
- Hey, you got first period free. Why don't you go get to know him? Go!
- Okay. All right.
- 放松点儿,你从一开始就一直对他不爽。给他一个机会,再做判断。可能他会让你大吃一惊,就像我会让你吃惊一样。
- 你怎么总是正确的么?
- 你总是犯错,所以我很容易做到。
- 嘿,这段时间的情况你都看到了。为什么你不试着去了解他呢?去吧。
- 好的。