
I'd like to propose a toast. My father is someone who goes after what he wants, and Lily Van Der Woodsen was no exception. In typical Bass man fashion, his pursuit was direct, and at times, not exactly subtle. One thing I learned from my father's courtship of Lily is the importance of perseverance-- That in the face of true love, you don't just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to. And one thing I learned from Lily is the importance of forgiveness. She gave my father the gift of a second chance. And in kind, I've watched him become someone actually worthy of that gift. And one day, I hope I'll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me.
我提议大家干一杯。我父亲是一个勇于追求的人,面对Lily Van Der Woodsen也不例外。正如Bass家族的传统,他的追求直接同时悉心。我父亲对Lily的求爱让我学到了坚持的重要—— 面对真爱,永不放弃。即使所爱之人请求你离开。同时我向Lily学到宽恕的重要。她给予了父亲第二次机会。作为回报,父亲抓住了机会,用改变证明了自己。希望有一天,我有如此幸运,有人会给我这样的机会。