成功人士分享成功的秘诀 每天3分钟深呼吸(在线收听

   Do you ever wonder how those successful people in your office do it?

  According to one expert, there's one thing that every successful person does every single morning without fail that sets them up for the day ahead - and it's so simple that everyone can do it in seconds.
  Indeed, as Carole Gaskell, founder of Full Potential Group, a specialist coaching and leadership development company, explains, top CEOs and wealthy people take three minutes every morning just to breathe deeply.
  事实上,正如职场顾问公司(Full Potential Group)创始人兼专业教练及公司领导人Carole Gaskell所说,顶级首席执行官和有钱人每天早上会花三分钟进行深呼吸。
  'Used daily, apart from boosting health and alleviating stress, mindful breathing has been proven to boost creativity, increase focus and even increase the size of your brain and speed up information processing,' she explains.
  But, she says there's a very specific technique when it comes to mastering the art of proper breathing.
  She explains: 'Eyes open or closed, whatever you prefer, take deep breaths in through your nose, breathing in powerful new energy down into your chest and abdomen and then breathe out very slowly, exhaling stale air, negative feelings and anything that might be holding you back.
  Carole adds that most of us ‘think’ too much but mindful breathing connects your head, heart and gut with productive energy flow, improving your effectiveness, decision-making, confidence and peace of mind.