
essence /ˈesns/
The union and management held a lengthy meeting 
without getting to the essence of the men's dissatisfaction -- low wages. 
-- most necessary or significant part, aspect or feature; fundamental nature; core
n. 本质;精髓
prerequisite /ˌpri:'rekwəzɪt/
A mark of at least 75% in Basic Art is a prerequisite for Advanced Art.
-- somthing required beforehand
n. 先决条件
entail /inˈteil/
Can your family afford the extra expense that a larger apartment entails?
-- involve as a necessary consequence; impose; require
vt. 需要
necessitate /nə'sesɪteɪt/
Mr. Brown told Ellen that her refusal to work necessitates his sending for her parents.
-- make necessary; require; demand 
vt. 需要
oblige /əˈblaidʒ/
If your friend were in trouble, wouldn't you feel obliged to go to his help?
-- compel; force; put under a duty or obiligation
vi. 强迫;使负有义务
obviate /'ɒbvɪeɪt/
Helen has agreed to lend me the book I need. This obviates my trip to the library.
-- make unnecessary; preclude
vt. 排除;使不必要
compulsory /kəmˈpʌlsəri/
State law makes attendence at school compulsory for children of certain ages.
-- required by authority; obligatory
adj. 义务的;必须做的
gratuitous /ɡrə'tju:ɪtəs/
Were it not for your gratuitous interference, the children would have quickly settled their dispute.
-- uncalled for; unwarranted
adj. 没必要的
imperative /ɪm'perətɪv/
If you failed a subject you need for graduation, it is imperative that you go to summer school.
-- not to be avoided; urgent; necessary; obligatory; compulsory
adj. 必须的;紧急的
incumbent /ɪn'kʌmbənt/
Dan felt it incumbent on him to pay for the window, since he had hit the ball that broke it.
-- (with on or upon) imposed as a duty; obligatory
adj. 使负有义务的
indispensable /ˌɪndisˈpensəbl/
We can do without luxuries and entertainment. 
However, food, shelter and clothing are indispensable.
-- absolutely necessary; essential
adj. 不可缺少的
pressing /ˈpresɪŋ/
Before preparing for tomorrow's party, I have some more pressing matters to attend to,
such as finishing my report.
-- requiring immediate attention; urgent
adj. 急切的
superfluous /su:ˈpɜ:fluəs/
Since we already have enough food for the picnic, 
please don't bring any because it will only be superfluous.
-- more than what is enough or necessary; surplus; excessive; unnecessary
adj. 多余的