【突破英文词汇】aut, auto -- self 自己(在线收听) |
autobiography /ˌɔ:təbaɪ'ɒɡrəfɪ/
In her autobiography The Story of My Life, Helen Keller tells how unruly she was as a young child.
-- story of a person's life written by the person himself
n. 自传
autocrat /ˈɔ:təkræt/
The autocrat was replaced by a ruler responsible to the people.
-- ruler exercising self-derived, absolute power; despot
n. 独裁者
autograph /'ɔ:təɡrɑ:f/
The baseball star wrote his autograph for an admirer who came up to him with a pencil and scorecard.
-- person's signature written by himself
n. 亲笔签名
automation /ˌɔ:təˈmeiʃən/
Many workers have lost their jobs as a result of automation.
-- technique of making a process self-operating by means of built-in electronic controls
n. 自动化;自动操作
automaton /ɔ:'tɒmətən/
An autocrat prefers his subjects to be automatons, rather than intelligent human beings.
-- (literally, "self-acting thing") purely mechanical person following a routine; robot
n. 机器人
autonomy /ɔ:'tɒnəmɪ/
After World War Ⅱ, many colonies were granted autonomy and became independent nations.
-- right of self-government
n. 自治权
autopsy /'ɔ:tɒpsɪ/
The cause of the actor's sudden death willnot be known until the autopsy has been performed.
-- (literally, "a seeing for one's self") medical examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death;
postmortem examination
n. 验尸
authentic /ɔ:ˈθentɪk/
When you withdraw money, the bank compares your signature with the one in its files
to see if it is authentic.
-- (literally, "from the master himself") genuine; real; reliable; trustworthy
adj. 可靠的;真正的
automatic /ˌɔ:təˈmætik/
You do not have to defrost the refrigerator because it is equipped with an automatic defroster.
-- acting by itself; independent
adj. 自动的
autonomous /ɔ:ˈtɒnəməs/
The Alumni Association is not under the control of the school. It is a completely autonomous group.
-- self-governing; independent
adj. 自治的;独立的
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原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/tpywch/394626.html |