【突破英文词汇】gen, genea -- race 种族(在线收听

1. genealogy /ˌdʒi:nɪ'ælədʒɪ/
-- (literally, "account of a race or family") history of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor; lineage; pedigree
Diana can trace her descent from an ancestor who fought in the Civil War. I know much less about my own genealogy.
2. genesis /'dʒenəsɪs/
-- birth or coming into being of something; origin
According to legend, the Trojan War had its genesis in a dispute between three Greek goddesses.
3. homogenize /həʊ'mɒdʒənaɪz/
-- make homogeneous
If dairies did not homogenize milk, the cream would concentrated at the top instead of being evenly distributed.
4. heterogeneous /ˌhetərə'dʒi:nɪəs/
-- differing in kind; dissimilar; not uniform; varied
Many different racial and cultural groups are to be found in the heterogeneous population of a large city.
5. homogeneous /ˌhɔməˈdʒi:njəs/
-- of the same kind; similar; uniform
The dancers for the ballet were selected for similarity of height and build so that they might present a homogeneous appearance.