【突破英文词汇】ant, anti -- against 反抗(在线收听

1. antagonist /ænˈtægənɪst/
-- 1. one who is against or contends with another in a struggle, fight or contest; opponent; adversary; foe
2. main opponent of the principle character in a play, novel or story
Japan was our antagonist in World War II.
Brutus is the main character in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony is his antagonist.
2. antibiotic /ˌæntibaɪˈɒtɪk/
-- substance obtained from tiny living organisms that works against bacteria 
The antibiotic penicillin stops the growth of bacteria causing pneumonia, tonsillitis and certain other diseases.
3. antibody /ˈæntibɒdi/
-- substance in the blood or tissues that works against germs or poisons produced by germs
When the body is invaded by foreign agents such as bacteria or viruses, the antibodies go to work against them.
4. antidote /'æntɪdəʊt/
-- remedy that acts against the effects of a poison
By telephone, the physician prescribed the exact antidote to be given immediately to the poison victim.
5. antipathy /æn'tɪpəθɪ/
-- feeling against; distaste; repugnance; dislike; enmity
A few of the neighbors have an antipathy to dogs, but most are fond of them.
6. antiseptic /ˌæntɪ'septɪk/
-- (literally, "against decaying") substance that prevents infection
The wound was carefully washed; then an antiseptic, tincture of iodine, was applied.
7. antitoxin /ˌæntɪ'tɒksɪn/
-- substance formed in the body as the result of the introduction of a toxin(poison) and capable of acting against the toxin
We are injected with diphtheria antitoxin produced in horses because the antitoxin manufactured by our bodies may not be enough to prevent diphtheria.
8. antonym /ˈæntənɪm/
-- word meaning the opposite of another word; opposite
"Temporary" is the antonym of "permanent".