【突破英文词汇】ad -- to 去(在线收听

1. adherent /ædˈhɪərənt/
-- one sticks to a leader, party, etc.; follower; faithful supporter
You can count on Martha's support in your campaign for reelection. She is one of your most loyal adherents.
2. advent /ˈædvənt/
-- arrival; approach
The Weather Bureau gave adequate warning of the advent of the hurricane.
3. adversary /ˈædvəsəri/
-- person"turned toward" or facing another as an opponent; foe; contestant
Before the contest began, the champion shook hands with his adversary.
4. adapt /əˈdæpt/
-- 1. (literally, "fit to") adjust; suit; fit
2. make suitable for a different use; modify
People who work at night have adapt themselves to sleeping in the daytime.
Gone With The Wind was adapted for the movies.
5. adjoin /əˈdʒɔin/
-- be next to; be in contact with
Mexico adjoins the United States.
6. adjourn /əˈdʒə:n/
-- put off to another day; suspend a meeting to resume at a future time; defer
The judge adjourned the court to the following Monday.
7. addicted /əˈdiktid/
-- given over(to a habit); habituated
You will not become addicted to smoking if you refuse cigarettes when they are offered.
8. adequate /ˈædikwit/
-- equal to or sufficient for a specific need; enough; sufficient
The student who arrived ten minutes late did not have adequate time to finish the test.
9. adjacent /əˈdʒeisənt/
-- lying near; neighboring; bordering
The island of Cuba is adjacent to Florida.
10. adverse /ædˈvɚs, ˈædˌvɚs/
-- in opposition to one's interests; hostile; unfavorable
Because of adverse reviews, the producer announced that the play will close with tonight's performance.