【突破英文词汇】dis -- opposite of 相反(在线收听) |
1. discrepancy /disˈkrepənsi/
-- disagreement; difference; inconsistency; variation
Jack should have had $8 in his wallet, but he had only $6. He could not account for the discrepancy.
2. disrepair /ˌdɪsrɪˈpeə/
-- opposite of good condition or repair; bad condition
The bicycle I lent Tom had been in good conditon, but he returned it in disrepair.
3. discredit /dɪsˈkredɪt/
-- disbelieve; refuse to trust
The parents discredited the child's story, since he is in the habit of telling falsehoods.
4. disintegrate /dɪsˈɪntɪˌgreɪt/
-- do the opposite of "integrate" (make into a whole); break into bits
The explosion disintegrated an entire wing of the factory.
5. dissent /diˈsent/
-- feel differently; differ in opinion; disagree
When the matter was put to a vote, 29 agreed and 4 dissented.
6. distract /disˈtrækt/
-- draw away (the mind or attention); divert
Passengers should do nothing to distract the driver's attention from the road.
7. discontent /ˌdɪskənˈtent/
-- (usually followed by with) opposite of "content"; dissatisfied; discontented
Dan was discontent with his Spanish mark; he had expected at least 10 points more.
8. dispassionate /dɪsˈpæʃənɪt/
-- opposite of "passionate" (showing strong feeling); calm; composed; impartial
For a dispassionate account of how the fight started, ask a neutral observer -- not a participant.
9. dissident /ˈdɪsɪdənt/
-- (literally, "sitting apart") not agreeing; dissenting
The compromise was welcomed by all the strikers except a small dissident group who felt that the raises were too small.
除了少数人认为薪水加的太少而持有异议外,所有的罢工者都欢迎这个折中的办法。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/tpywch/394844.html |