【突破英文词汇】here, hes -- stick 附着(在线收听

1. coherence /kəʊˈhɪərəns/
-- state of sticking together; consistency; logical connection
If the relationship between the first sentence and what follows is not clear, the paragraph lacks coherence.
2. cohesion /kəʊˈhi:ʒən/
-- act or state of sticking together; union; unity
There can be no real cohesion in an alliance if the parties have little in common.
3. adhere /ədˈhiə/
-- stick; hold fast; cling; be attached
Apply the sticker according to the directions, or it will not adhere.
4. cohere /kəʊˈhɪə/
-- stick together; hold together firmly
I glued together the fragments of the vase, but they did not cohere.
5. inherent /inˈhiərənt/
-- (literally, "sticking in") deeply infixed; intrinsic; essential
Because of her inherent carelessness, I doubt my sister can ever be a good driver.