【突破英文词汇】und -- wave, flow 波浪;流(在线收听

1. abound /ə'baʊnd/
-- (literally, "rise in waves" or "overflow") 1. (with in or with) be will supplied; teem
2. be plentiful; be present in great quantity
Our nation abounds in opportunities for well-educated young men and women.
Fish abound in the waters off Newfoundland.
2. inundate /'ɪnʌndeɪt/
-- flood; overflow; deluge; overwhelm
On Election Night, the victor's offices were inundated by congratulatory messages.
3. redound /rɪ'daʊnd/
-- flow back as a result; contribute
Our team's sportsmanlike conduct redounds to the credit of the school.
4. abundant /əˈbʌndənt/
-- (literally, "rising in waves") more than sufficient; plentiful 
Before Christmas, the stores have abundant supplies of toys.
5. redundant /rɪˈdʌndənt/
-- (literally, "flowing back") exceeding what is necessary; superfluous
Remove the last word of the following sentence because it is redundant: "My report is longer than Bob's report."
去掉下面句子的最后一个词,因为它是多余的:"My report is longer than Bob's report."
und, unda --wave, flow 波浪;流
abound  vi. 很多
inundate  vt. 如洪水般涌进;泛滥
redound  vi. 有助于
abundant  adj. 充足的;丰富的
redundant  adj. 多余的