
Stark: yeah. I can fly. Jarvis are you there?
Jarvis: At your service, sir.
Stark: Engage[ɪn'gedʒ] Heads up Display.
Jarvis: Check.
Stark: Import all Preferences[ˈprɛfərəns】属性分析 from home interface[ˈɪntɚˌfes]接口,交界面.
Jarvis: Will do, sir.
Stark: well .what do you say?
Jarvis: I have indeed been uploaded, sir. We’re online and ready.
Stark: Can we start the virtual walk-around?
Jarvis: importing preferences and 
calibrating[ˈkæləˌbret]使标准化 virtual environment.
Stark: Do a check on control surfaces[kənˈtrol ˈsɚfəs]控制版面.
Jarvis: As you wish.