
S:    Why must we all     go to the hospital?
M:    I’m afraid Papa    wants to teach Granny a lesson. Poor Granny(sigh).     A month ago,  these people were strangers. Now  she must share power with the mother   and I  must marry the son.
E:    You won’t marry him,though,  will you?
M:    What?  Marry a sea monster?
S:    We shouldn’t laugh.   That was so unkind.
E:    But he must marry  someone.
M:    Edith, what are you thinking?
E:    You know, I don’t dislike him as much as you do.
M:    Perhaps you don’t dislike him at all.
E:    Perhaps I don’t.
M:    Well, it’s nothing to me.  I’ve bigger fish to fry.
S:    What fish?
E:    Are we talking about   “EN”?
M:    How do you know that? Have you been poking around in my things?
E:    Of course not.
S:    Come on.  Who is he? It’s not fair if you both know.
M:    You won’t be any the wiser, but his name is Evelyn Napier.
E:    The Honourable Evelyn Napier.   Son and heir  to Viscount Branksome.
M:    Who wants an old sea monster when they can have Perseus?
今日语言点Language points:
1.    teach sb. a lesson (直译:教给某人一课)教训
2.    share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物
3.    sea monster & Perseus 海怪和珀尔修斯
这里,M(Mary)将自己比作公主,唐顿庄园的继承人、远房堂兄Matthew比作海怪,心上人Evelyn Napier比作珀尔修斯。
4.    don't dislike = not have trouble with 并不讨厌、并不反感某人(这里,双重否定表肯定)
5.    have bigger fish to fry 有更大的鱼要去炸呢(表示有了更好的目标)
fry v.煎炸
KFC肯德基——Kentucky Fried Chicken肯塔基州炸鸡  这里的fried即为fry的过去式形式
6.    poke around 乱翻、乱捡
vt.戳,捅; 推; 拨火; 〈美俚〉打,殴; 
vi.刺,戳; 刺探,干涉; 伸出; 闲逛; 
7.    Viscount[ˈvaɪkaʊnt] 子爵