
Victor: do forgive me.
Victoria: you play beautifully.
Victor:I I I do apologize, Miss Everglot. How rude of me to … well… excuse me.
Victoria: mother won’t let me near the piano. Music is improper for a young lady. Too passionate, she says.
Victor: if I may ask, Miss Everglot, where is your chaperon['ʃæpərəʊn]女仆?
Victoria: perhaps, in ,in view of the circumstances…you could call me Victoria.
Victor: yes of course. Victoria.
Victoria: yes, Victor.
Victor: tomorrow we’re going to m…m…
Victoria: married.
Victor: yes.Married.
Victoria:since I was a child, I’ve dreamt of my wedding day. I always hoped to find someone I was deeply in love with. Someone to spend the rest of my life with. Silly, isn’t it?
Victor: yes silly. No no, not at all.no. oh,dear, I’m sorry.