
Simon: What's wrong?
Amy: I don't know. Hey! Roy! Ah~there we go.
Simon: It's going the wrong way.
Amy: Don't worry, I'll go back down in a minute. Roy!
Roy: Simon.
Amy: Roy! Oh god!
Roy: What's wrong, Amy? What the hell? I'll go and get the key, okay? You stay here, stay there!
Amy: Simon, where's your inhaler[ɪn'heɪlə]?
Simon: I want to get out!
Amy: No, Simon, where's your inhaler[ɪn'heɪlə]?? Ok, it's ok!! Just breathe normally, it's ok!
Roy: Come on~what the F?? Oh shit.
Simon: She wants to hurt me.
Amy: What??
Simon: The mechanical girl. Maggie told me about her.
Roy: For Christ sake! Don't move! We're coming up to get you, ok? 
Helen: Stay there, don't move.
Roy: Just hang on, Amy. Hang on!
Helen: What's going on?
Roy: Just get Dr.Marcus.
Amy: No, it's ok. Stay still, omg omg!
Roy: Stay calm, Amy, allright? Don't move, Amy. For Christ sake, don't move! Come downstairs, come on!