
Miss G: Fiamma Coronna. You see? You haven't been forgotten. That's all, I'm afraid, girls. But I'm sure Fiamma won't mind sharing her treasures.
Poppy: Aren't you going to open it, then?
Fiamma: Here?
Poppy: Come on, show us. Let's see!
Fiamma: Go on.
Fuzzy: This is heaven!
Rosie: Fiamma, tell me the story again.
Fiamma: I told you last night.
Rosie: I like it, please.
Fiamma: There once was a a king and his beloved daughter. Together they explored distant lands. One day, they encountered a sultan, who offered the king an extrodinary gift in return for his daughter's hand. A magical blue diamond. But the king was greedy, and took both, the diamong and the princess back to his mighty castillo. But the Sultan came looking for the Princess, and begged her to fly away with him on a magical tapestry of silk. And the Princess was so intoxicated, that she flew away with him, never to be seen again.