
GIRL:That throw was insane( [ɪn'seɪn]疯狂的).I didn’t know you played football.
BOY:I used to.It was a long time ago.
GIRL:So why don’t you try out for the team?
BOY:Yeah,I don’t think so.
GIRL:So you don’t like football?
BOY:No,I love football.I think it’s a great sport.But ,in this case,I don’t think football likes me.You saw Tyler over there,and we both know how Matt feels.
GIRL:They don’t know you.To them,you’re mysterious([mɪ'stɪərɪəs神秘的) loner (['ləʊnə]孤独的人)guy.Wouldn’t  hurt to be part of.Make some friends.
BOY:Says the girl who spends her alone time writing in a cemetery(['semɪtrɪ]墓地).
GIRL:Hey,come on.There’s more to me than just gloomy( ['gluːmɪ]黑暗的) graveyard( ['greɪvjɑːd]墓地) girl.There’s a whole other Elena that you have yet to meet.She was into everything,very busy.
BOY:Well,I look forward to meeting her.And when will that be?
GIRL:Soon.She’s working on it.