
BIG:How could I do this?How could I be so stupid?This could destroy the company.
SMALL:Who cares about the company?What about us?That thing is a killing machine.It’s waiting for us to fall asleep and then wham(重击)!We’re easy prey,my friend,easy prey.We’re sitting targets.OK,look,I think I have a plan here.Using mainly spoons.We dig a tunnel under the city and release it into the wild.
SMALL:That’s it.I'm out of ideas.Air ballon,too expensive.Giant slingshot(弹弓),too conspicuous(显眼[kən'spɪkjʊəs]).Enormous wooden horse,too Greak(希腊).No,can’t think ,Flatliner( ['flætlainə] 没有活力的人).Flatlining( ['flætlain]死亡 ).
BIG:Mike?I think she’s getting tired.
SMALL:Well,then why don’t you find someplace for its to sleep while I think of a plan.
BIG:Are you sleepy? Wanna sleep?Is that what you want?OK.I’ll make  a nice little area for you to...No,hey,that’s my bed.You’re gonna get your germs all over it.Fine .My chair’s more comfortable anyway.