
RACHEL: Mike Ross? Hi. [ShakingMike's hand] I'mRachel Zane, I'll be giving you your orientation /ˌɔrien'teɪʃən/.
MIKE: Wow. You're pretty.
RACHEL: Good. You've hit on me. We can get it out of the waythat I am not interested.
MIKE: No, I'm sorry, I-, I wasn't hitting on you-
RACHEL: Trust me. I've given dozens of these, and without fail, whatevernew hotshot /'hɔtʃɔt/ itis, thinks that because I'm just a paralegal /pærə'li:gəl/,that I will somehow be blown away by his dazzling /'dæzlɪŋ/ degree.Let me assure you, I won't.
MIKE: I was.
RACHEL: Mm-hm.
MIKE: I was hitting on you.
RACHEL: You were. [HandingMike a notepad and pen.] Takenotes, I'm not gonna repeat myself. [Walksaway.]
MIKE: [Whispering] I loveyou.
[Rachel leads Mike down one of the main corridor's during thetour.]
RACHEL: The firm operates on a chain of command model. Harvey'syour commanding officer; however, Louis Litt, he oversees /'əuvə'si:z/ allassociates, so you'll also answer to him.
MIKE: What do you think about Harvey?
RACHEL: [GivesMike a 'really?' look.] Peopleare in awe /ɔ:/ ofhim. They say he's the best closer there is, but I have very little contactwith him, so I don't know.
MIKE: What about Louis Litt?
RACHEL: Let's continue with your tour.