
LUCY:Were you hiding from me?
MR.TUMNUS:I just...I...No.No.I-I-I just...I was just,um..I didn’t want to scare you.
LUCY:If you don’t mind my asking...what are you?
MR.TUMNUS:Well, I’m a...Well,I’m a faun.And what about you?You must be some kind of beardless ( ['bɪədlɪs]年轻的)dwarf( [dwɔːf] 矮人)?
LUCY:I’m not a dwarf!I’m a girl!And actually,I’m the tallest in my class.
MR.TUMNUS:You mean to say that you’re a Daughter of Eve([iːv]夏娃)?
LUCY:Well,my mum’s name is Helen.
MR.TUMNUS:Yes,but you are in fact human.
LUCY:Yes,of course.
MR.TUMNUS:What are you doing here?
LUCY:Well, I was hiding in the wardrobe( ['wɔːdrəʊb] 衣柜) in the spare room,and...
MR.TUMNUS:Space Oom?Is that in Narnia?
LUCY:Narnia?What’s that?
MR.TUMNUS:Oh,deer girl,you’re in it.Everything from the lamppost(['læmppəʊst]路灯柱) all the way to Castle Cair Paravel on the Eastern Ocean,every stick and stone you see,every icicle( ['aɪsɪk(ə)l]冰柱) is Narnia.