
LUCY:This is an awfully big wardrobe.
MR.TUMNUS:War Drobe?I’m sorry.Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Tumnus.
LUCY:Pleased to meet you,Mr.Tumnus.I’m Lucy Pevensie.Oh,you shake it.
LUCY:I...I don’t know.People do when they meet each other.
MR.TUMNUS:Well,then ,Lucy Pevensie from the shining city of War Drobe in the wondrous land of Spare Oom,
how would it be if you came and had tea with me?
LUCY:Well,thank you very much,but I...I probably should be getting back.
MR.TUMNUS:It;s only just around the corner.And there’ll be a glorious( ['glɔːrɪəs]极好的) fire with toast and tea and cakes.And perhaps,we’ll even break into the sardines([sɑː'diːn]沙丁鱼).
LUCY:I don’t know.
MR.TUMNUS:Come on.It’s not every day that I get to make a new friend.
LUCY:Well, I suppose I could come for a little while.If you have sardines.
MR.TUMNUS:By the bucketload(满满一桶).