
RUSSELL:Hi,Mr.Fredricksen.It’s me,Russell.
MR.FREDRICKSEN:What are you doing out here,kid?
RUSSELL:I found the snipe and I followed it under your porch.But this snipe (鹬)had a long tail,and looked more like a large mouse.Please let me in.
MR.FREDRICKSEN:No.Aw,all right .You can come...in.
RUSSELL:I’ve never been in a floating house before.Goggles(护目镜)..Look at this stuff!Are you going on a trip?”Paradise (天堂)Falls,a land lost in time”.Are you going to South America,Mr.Fredricksen?
MR.FREDRICKSEN:Don’t touch that!You’’ll soil it.
RUSSELL:You know,most people take a plane.But you’re smart,because you have your TV,clocks and stuff.Ooh,is this how you steer(驾驶) your house?Does it really work?This nakes it turn right and that way is left.Hey,look!Buildings.That building’s so close,I can almost touch it.