
BETA&DELTA:Oh,here it is.I picked up the bird’s scent(气味)!
Wait a minute,wait a minute.What is this?Chocolate.I smell chocolate.I’m getting prunes (李子)and ginger(生姜) cream.Who are they?Oh,man ,the master will not be pleased.We’d better tell him someone took the bird,right,Alfa?
Alfa:No.Soon enough the bird will be ours again.Find the scent ,my compadres(伙伴),and you too,shall have much rewarding from the master for that toil you did.
BETA&DELTA:Hey,Alfa.I think there’s something wrong with your collar(项圈).You must have broken it.Yeah.Your voice sounds funny.
ALFA:Beta,Delta!Perhaps you desire...Squirrel!Perhaps you desire to challenge the ranking that I have been assigned(分派) by my strength and cunning(狡猾).
BETA&DELTA:No,no,no.But maybe Dug would.You might wanna ask him.I wonder if he’s found the bird ob his “very special mission”.
ALFA:Don’t mention Dug to me at this time.His fool’s errand will keep him most occupied,most occupied,indeed.Hahaha.Do you not agree with that which I’m saying to you now?
BETA&DELTA:Sure.But the second the master finds out that you send Dug out by himself,none of us will get a treat.