
THE CHESHIRE CAT:It looks like you afoul ( [ə'faʊl]纠缠的)of something with wicked( ['wɪkɪd] 邪恶的) claws.
ALICE:And I’m still dreaming.
THE CHESHIRE CAT:What did that to you?
ALICE:Banner or Bander...
THE CHESHIRE CAT:The Bandersnatch( ['bændəsnætʃ]一种想象中的猛兽)?Well,I’d better have a look.
ALICE:What are you doing?
THE CHESHIRE CAT:It needs to be purified by someone with evaporating ( [i'væpəreitiŋ]蒸发)skills or it will fester( ['festə]化脓) and putrefy(['pjuːtrɪfaɪ]腐烂).
ALICE:I’d rather you didn’t.I’ll be fine as soon as I wake up.
THE CHESHIRE CAT:At least let me bind(包扎) it for you.What do you call yourself?
ALICE:There’s been some debate about that.
THE CHESHIRE CAT:I never get involved in politics.You’d better be on your way.
ALICE:What way?All I want to do is wake up from this dream.
THE CHESHIRE CAT:Fine.Then I’ll take you to the Hare ( [heə]野兔)and the Hatter,but that’s the end of it.