
Louis: I’m not saying that I haven’t been charmed /tʃɑ:rmd/ by Harvey, but it’s just so patronizing /'pætrənaiziŋ/ when you say that he can handle those things and “Louis, you can only handle this.” Jessica, I could have handled Gerald Tate.
Jessica: And I told you I disagree.
Louis: Why?
Jessica: Because—
Harvey: Because when you put two bullies /'buliz/ in the same room together, things generally don’t go so well.
Louis: It’s 9:30. Nice of you to show up two hours after we open up for business. And I see that you’re also trying to look like a pimp /pimp/.
Harvey: My bad, Louis. I was out late last night. And when I woke up, this is the suit your wife picked out for me.
Louis: And that would be funny if I’d actually been married.
Jessica: Moving along.
Harvey: You’re not married?