
 RHINO:Yes,Bolt.I can be a valuable addition to your team.

BOLT:I’m listening.
RHINO:I’m lighting quick.I have razor(剃刀) sharp(锋利的) reflexes(反射).Wa!And I’m a master of stealth(秘密).Plus,I’ll keep the cat in check.
BOLT:The road would be rough .
RHINO:I have the ball.
BOLT:There is no turning back.
RHINO:I guess I have to roll with the punches.
BOLT:Easy will be parley (会谈)equation(方程).
BOLT:Gotta warn you,going into the belly of the beast(畜生),danger in every turn.
RHINO:I eat danger for breakfast.
BOLT:You’re hungry?
BOLT:Welcome aboard.