
DOT:Hey,Flik!Flik!Wait up!
DOT:You can call me Dot.Here,you forget this.
FLIK:Thanks.You can keep it.I can make another one.
DOT:I like your inventions.
FLIK:Really?Well,you’re the first.I’m beginning to think nothing I do works.
DOT:This works.
FLIK:Great.One success.I’m never gonna make a difference.
DOT:Me ,neither.I’m a royal ant,and I can’t even fly yet.I’m too little.
FLIK:Oh,being little’s not such a bad thing.
DOT:Yes,it is.
FLIK:No,it’s not .
DOT:Is too!
FLIK:Is not.
DOT:Is too.
FLIK:Is not.
DOT:Is too.
FLIK:Oh,a seed...I need a seed.Ahh...Ah,here,here.Pretend...pretend that that’s a seed.
DOT:It’s a rock.
FLIK:Oh, I know it”s a rock.I know.But let’s pretend for a minute that it’s a seed,all right?We’ll just use our imaginations.Now...Now,do you see our tree?Everything that made that giant tree is already contained inside this tiny little seed.All it needs is some time ,a 
little bit of sunshine and rain,and...Wow!
DOT:This rock will be a tree?
FLIK:Seed to tree.You’ve gotta work with me,all right?Okay. You might not feel like you can do much now,but that’s just because,well,you’re not a tree yet.You just have to give yourself some time.You’re still a seed.
DOT:But it’s a rock.
FLIK:I know it’s a rock!Don’t ya think I know a rock when I see a rock?I’ve spent a lot of time around rocks!
DOT:You’re weird(奇怪的) ,but I like you.