
PRINCESS:You don’t think I’ve offended the warriors,do you?
PRINCESS:Oh,good.Because,you see....when you first brought them here,I thought you’d hired a bunch of clowns.
FLIK:Ya did?
PRINCESS:Don’t tell them I said that.Boy,that’s all I’d need,another royal blunder (大错)like that.
FLIK:Princess,you’re doing a great job.
PRINCESS:Thanks.You’re sweet.You’re wrong but sweet.I know that everyone really thinks.
FLIK:I don’t follow you.
PRINCESS:Everyone...the whole colony.Nobody really believes I can do this job.It’s like they’re all watching me...just..just...
FLIK:Waiting for you to screw up(搞砸).
PRINCESS:Flik,I owe you an apology.
FLIK:For what?
PRINCESS:Well,I haven’t been that nice to you,and I’m sorry.If there’s any way I can make it up to you...Hey!I know.How would you like to be the queen’s official aide(助理) to the warrior bugs?
PRINCESS:Oh,sure.You’ve got a great rapport(亲密关系) going with them...especially after that rescue...it was very brave.