
 GARFIELD:That’s right.It’s good to be king.

 JON:I want you to know ,you’re the most important thing in my life.
GARFIELD:Let me sleep, please.
JON:Before I met you, my life had no meaning .I was incomplete(不完整的).
GARFIELD:Oh,you still are ,really.
JON:I guess what I’m trying to say is...Will you marry me ?
GARFIELD:Eh,marriage?Well,this is kind of sudden .There may be some legal issues(法律问题) here.Look,I like you,but not as a spouse(配偶).May be as a servant.We could stay together ,make it work.
JON:So what do you say?Liz?
GARFIELD:Wait a second?Liz?liz?!
GARFIELD:Liz is a girl.No ,worse,she is a girl vet(兽医).
JON:Turkey’s ready.
GARFIELD:Well,I think Jon has touched bottom now.