
GARFIELD:Mom!Dad!I’m home.
WINSTON:Your highness(陛下).
GARFIELD:You talking to me ,froggy(青蛙)?
WINSTON:It’s me ,your trusty servant ,Winston.
GARFIELD:Hey.Warning.I don’t fight fair.I scratch(抓/挠),and I bite.
WINSTON:It’s all right,sire.All is well now.You’re home.
GARFIELD:Home?What,retirement(退休) home?Happy home?Where,uh,what is this?Is this an insane(神经病的) asylum(收容所)?Am I being kidnapped(绑架)?
WINSTON:Very funny,sire(陛下).Your loyal subjects await you.They need to be comforted by your words.
GARFIELD:Hey,trust me,windbag(风口袋/大嘴巴),there’s no way I’m going to give a speech to a bunch of strangers.
WINSTON:And then, of course ,following your words,a royal feast(盛宴).
GARFIELD:I think I’m just going to do a tight two minutes.See if that will calm them down ,okay?