
GARFIELD:Let’s play astronaut(宇航员) again today.
GARFIELD:Yeah.I love that game.You’re such a brave little astronaut.
NERMAL:All right.
GARFIELD:Prepare to jump into your spaceship,commander(指挥官) Nermal.
NERMAL:But wh-wh-what about the milk?
GARFIELD:Who needs milk when you can be in outer space(外太空)?
GARFIELD:You got a secret mission(任务) today.
‍GARFIELD:You’ll be exploring the Milky Way(银河).
GARFIELD:I get the chills when you jump in your little spacecraft.The nation thanks you.Prepare to blast off(发射). 
NERMAL:I’m ready go,friend.
NERMAL:Whoa!Now I feel like it.
GARFIELD:Bon(法语,好的) voyage(旅行).
NERMAL:Look at me go!Whoo-hoo!
GARFIELD:Don’t look down.
NERMAL:I’m an flying eagle.
GARFIELD:Come to papa,baby.
NERMAL:I can see everything up there.I can see my house.
GARFIELD:Got milk.
NERMALI can see the whole neighborhood.
GARFIELD:Well,that’s nice.That’s very nice.
NERMAL:Hey,there’s another milk truck.
GARFIELD:Ooh!And that is even nicer.
NERMAL:I can see----whoa!
GARFIELD:Mission accomplished(完成).Nermal.
NERMAL:Whoa!Whoa,Garfield,do it again!Where did everything go?