
PENGUIN:What continent (大陆)is this ?
PENGUIN:Hoover Dam(胡佛水坝/惨)!We’re still in New York.Abort(终止计划).Dive(跳水,此处指下潜)!Dive!Dive.
ZEBRA:Hey.You in the tux(燕尾服).Wait a minute.What are you guys doing?
PENGUIN:We’re digging to Antarctica(南极洲).
PENGUIN:Can you keep a secret ,my monochromatic (单色的)friend?
Do you ever see any penguins running free around New York City?
Of course not.We don’t belong here.It’s just not natural.This is all some kind of 
whacked-out (反常的)conspiracy(阴谋).We’re going to the wide-open(完全开放的) spaces of Antarctica.To the wild.
ZEBRA:The wild?You could actually go there?
That sounds great.Hey, hold up.Where is the place ?Tell me where it is.
PENGUIN:You didn’t see anything.Right?
ZEBRA:Yes,sir.I’m sorry.No,sir.