
(艰难的上诉结束, 案发现场的目击证人出庭作证所看到的的歹徒另有其人,Wilcox重获自由。法官则严厉指责控方律师态度不够严谨)
reverse [rɪ'vɜrs /-'vɜːs] v. 使颠倒
state attorney [ə'tɜːnɪ] n. 州检察官
grateful ['greɪtfʊl] adj. 感激的
Judge: Here’s the thing, Mr. Brody. I don’t like to be reversed. In fact, I hate it. So, here’s some advice for you and the good state’s attorney. You keep that from happening.
Mr. Brody: Your honor, I want to insist...
Judge: No, you don’t have room to insist. And you should be grateful. I’m giving your boss an out as big as the great outdoors.
Mr. Brody: I don’t understand, your honor.