到目前为止Michael打通了到达医务室的地下管道。但是逃跑计划是所有越狱的人将首先在储藏室会合,然后临时挖出一条连接通往医务室管道的斜井。一旦进入医务室就可以逃出监狱。但是为了创造会合的条件,必须让监狱方面认为有修缮储藏室的必要,从而Michael和同伙可以被差遣到那里,在没有警卫的监视下,从容会合、挖井并且逃跑。然而他们发现储藏室已经变成警卫休息室。逃跑计划无法更改,同时也为了能逼迫警卫放弃这间休息室,引起一场火灾就成为十分必要的计策。但是要想进入房间并且不引起怀疑,只有求助老犯人Charles Westmoreland,因为他深得监狱警卫的信任。Michael设法找到Charles那只走失的猫,送还给他,同时向他求助。
[00:07.42]Listen and Share [00:43.58]Michael [01:37.68]Charles Westmoreland [01:42.54]Michael [01:43.46]Charles [01:50.86]I don't believe it. [01:54.38]Thank you. [01:55.54]You're welcome. [01:56.68]Where'd you find her? [01:57.56]In the yard, by the chapel. [02:01.47]Why do I get the feeling there's a string attached to this? [02:05.18]Not a string, just a favor. [02:11.03]I'm not D.B. Cooper. [02:13.18]That's all right. [02:15.02]'Cause it's not gonna take D.B. Cooper to do [02:16.77]what I need done. [02:18.90]What's that? [02:20.53]All I want you to do is take a certain coffeepot [02:23.69]into the guard room at a certain time [02:25.37]and turn the burner on. [02:28.18]Why? [02:29.23]Let's just say it would be in everyone's best interest [02:31.28]if a fire were to start in there. [02:33.90]讲解 [02:42.83]I don't believe it. [02:44.55]Thank you. [02:50.23]You're welcome. [02:54.25]Where'd you find her? [02:59.44]In the yard, by the chapel. [03:09.33]Why do I get the feeling there's a string attached to this? [03:18.10]Not a string, just a favor. [03:26.47]I'm not D.B. Cooper. [03:36.41]That's all right. [03:37.64]'Cause it's not gonna take D.B. Cooper to do [03:40.09]what I need done. [03:47.31]What's that? [03:57.65]All I want you to do is take a certain coffeepot [04:00.84]into the guard room at a certain time [04:04.13]and turn the burner on. [04:15.48]Why? [04:22.90]Let's just say it would be in everyone's best interest [04:26.75]if a fire were to start in there.
[04:48.57]语言点 [04:50.22]I don't believe it. [05:03.70]You're welcome. [05:15.29]by [05:22.17]There is a table by the window. [05:27.53]He was sitting by me. [05:32.01]by the chapel [05:36.52]feeling 直觉、印象 [05:41.84]that [05:46.12]Why do I get the feeling there's a string attached to this? [05:53.42]that [05:54.71]There's a string attached to this. [05:59.07]It is my feeling that things are not so simple. [06:05.62]I have a feeling that he'll come soon. [06:11.63]string 线绳 [06:17.22]附带条件 [06:19.35]An offer with a string attached to it. [06:25.28]attach 附加 [06:30.76]favor 善意行为、恩惠 [06:36.96]it takes somebody to do something [06:42.47]It takes two men to do this. [06:54.63]somebody [07:00.08]two men [07:06.95]D.B.Cooper [07:10.23]It takes a brave man to do it. [07:16.32]a certain something/somebody [07:22.81]coffeepot 咖啡壶 [07:28.76]burner 加热炉 [07:33.74]turn the burner on [07:38.99]let's say 姑且说,假设 [07:47.54]in the interest of somebody [08:22.16]谢谢收听 |