美国文化脱口秀 第442期:减肥和学英语的几个窍门(在线收听


  缺乏动力的时候 看这张图
  No one is going to push you except yourself:没人能推动你,除了你自己
  Push yourself: 推动自己
  But not too hard: 但也别太狠
  Find your inner drive:找到发自内心的动力
  Always believe something wonderful is about to happen: 永远相信,美好的事情将会发生
  Chicken soup for the soul: 心灵鸡汤
  A positive outlook on life: 积极正向的人生观
  Nothing is permanent in this world, not even your troubles: 没什么东西是永久的,包括烦恼
  Permanent: 永久
  Nothing lasts forever, not even your troubles: 没什么会持久,包括困境
  Overcome hardship: 克服困境
  Letting go isn't easy, but is necessary: 放下不容易,但必要
  Letting go: 放手
  Necessary: 必要的
  Conquer: 征服、克服
  Don't lose hope. You never know what tomorrow may bring: 不要失去希望,你不知道明天会带来什么
  "Bring" 还能这么用:
  What life may bring: 生活会带来什么
  Life is tough but my darling, so are you: 生活虽艰难,但你更坚强
  Tough: 艰难
  Tough: 坚强
  Life toughens you up: 生活让你坚强
  Don't be whimpy, be tough: 别软弱,要坚强
  Be gritty: 坚韧
  Stop being afraid of what could go wrong. Think of what could go right:别老想万一不行,也许行呢?
  Things can ...世界上的事情可能:
  Go wrong: 不顺利
  Go right: 顺利
  Go your way: 随你所愿
  Work hard in silence. Let your success be your noise: 静静地奋斗,让成功成为你的响声
  Silence: 安静
  Actions speak louder than words: 行动比语言更响亮