

holdout  n. 抵抗, 支持, 坚持

defendant [dɪ'fendənt] n. 被告

Alicia: No tea for me, Mrs Duretsky.  

Juror: Suit yourself.

Alicia: So the other jurors said you were a holdout. Is that correct?

Juror: Umm-hum. They all thought they were so much smarter than me. My vote counted just as much as theirs.

Alicia: Uh-hum. What exactly in the defense’s case convinced you?

Juror: Well, the whole thing, really. I tend to look at a person and size them up pretty quickly. That lady, I liked her. 

Alicia: The defendant, Jennifer?

Juror: No, that lawyer lady. She never put on airs. I like that.

Alicia: Just so I’m clear. The defense expert argued that the gunshot residue on Jennifer’s hands came from the struggle. Is that why you held out?

Juror: Oh, I don’t know about that. I just tend to get a feeling. Don’t I, Cyrus?
