
 -Jenny: I didn't know a broken clasp could cost thatmuch.

-Blair: Oh,it was my pleasure.oh,wait.no,it wasn't. gamerecognizes game, little j., but you have to show more respect. This is the lasttime I've helped you. Next time you cross me,I won't be as forgiving.
-Jenny: Don't worry, there won't be a next time.
-Blair: Good,’ cause I wanna tell you something, somethingnobody knows, not even Serena. you can keep a secret, right?
-Jenny: Of course.
-Blair: Nate is planning on giving me his familydiamond. it's the most incredible ring you've ever seen.
-Jenny: Uh ,ring as in engagement ring?
-Blair: I remember the first time I ever saw him. maybewe were just little kids, but I knew--he's the one I wanna marry. now it seemslike he feels the same way, too. why are you not happy for me?
-Jenny: I'm sorry. It's--it's just been a reallyweird week. um, there's this stuff with my parents and my family, so maybe Ishould just go.
-Blair: No, maybe you should look at me in the eye andtell me what you're hiding. you jealous?
-Jenny: Of you and Nate?
-Blair: Do you like him?
-Jenny: What? no.
-Blair: Do you think because you talked to him oncein the hall that you might have a shot?
-Jenny: Blair, it’s nothing like that.
-Blair: Then tell me, what is it like?
-Jenny: I don't want to hurt you.
-Blair: How could you hurt me?
-Jenny: Yesterday wasn't the first time I talked toNate. at the ball, he told me he wasn't over Serena.
-Blair: Why would he tell you that?
-Jenny: Cause I was wearing her mask, and he thoughtI was her. he kissed me.
-Blair: That's enough.
-Jenny: Blair, I-I didn't want you to find out.
-Blair: You're dismissed, Jenny... for good.