
Laurel: Joanna, I’m over him. And you don't believe me.
Joanna: well, I would have if I wouldn't have just caught you trolling [trol] for articles on him.
Laurel: I wasn't trolling.
Joanna: I don't want to have to be the one to remind you that he cheated on you, Laurel, with your sister.
Laurel: I appreciate your self control.
Joanna: you are stuck in the past. And the reason I know this is the fact that the only physical relationship you’ve had since Oliver is with his best friend. It is time to move on. It is past time.
Laurel: I’ve been busy. I work a lot.
Joanna: okay. That’s got to stop. So we are going out tonight. And...and we are going to have some shots and we are going to dance with men that we don't know, and we are going to stay out way too late.